Thursday, 10 April 2014

Yr1:Animation - InSequence

Meet Buzz.. or shall I say re-meet Buzz. We had to take our Character InSequence assignment that we did at the beginning of the semester, and animate it. Well we really only had to animate a part of it to fit into our reel, but I was having so much fun that I finished it. Its not cleaned up yet, but here's my first pass at it.

Yr1:Animation - FlourSack

For our flour sack assignment, we animated a flour sack interacting with an object. My object was a Japanese Bo staff. I was really excited to do this one, cause I'm actually trained in Bo fighting, so I got to act out the scene as reference, which actually proved to be very helpful... finally putting my Black Belt to good use for something :)

Yr1:LifeDrawing- Mission Accomplished

Mission Accomplished. I survived Thurman's Life Drawing class. and to top it all off, I even managed to raise my portfolio grade yet again! Woohoo! just gotta fix those hands and feet... ugh! guess that will be my little summer project.
Anyways, here's my final First Year Life Drawing portfolio.