Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Character Development... sort of

Today in class we started a new character for our expressions assignment, and I decided to try something new and make a man character, since I usually lean towards kids and animals. BUT tonight I was working on him at home when in walks me little sister and the first thing out of her mouth is "Hey! He looks like Don from Monsters U!"ya, that wasn't supposed to happen. Nor did I even remember Don even existed in that movie..... so its back to the drawing board we go.

Here's Don....

And Rick....

Sunday, 27 October 2013

Yr1:Painting- Flat to Gradient

To say I hate painting would be an understatement. and I hate gouache even more. None the less, I need to use it and I need to paint.... so here it goes. 
We had to create a scene and paint it three time, Flat B/W, Gradient B/W and a Monochromatic Gradient. Not happy with it, but ts the best I have for today... maybe ill repaint it before Wednesday morning. Onwards and Upwards!

I Repainted it.... I couldn't bear the thought of handing these in... the flat one especially was haunting me.... and they lacked a sense of environment. Can't say I LOVE the new ones, but, for now, they haunt me less. Maybe I'm learning something about painting?? who knows.

** SO happy I decided to Repaint.... I GOT AN A! and theyre going on the wall display!! so happy

Friday, 25 October 2013

Wednesday, 9 October 2013